Summer Rec & Sports Camps

Item #: sumrec
Our Price: $50.00
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Ages: 4-9
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays June 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
Time: Modified T-Ball 5:30-6:30 and Coach Pitch 6:30-7:30
Ages 4-6: Modified T-Ball (Option to have Coach pitch twice before using the Tee)
Ages 7-9: Coach Pitch
Community Ed Coordinator and Summer Rec Coaches reserve the right to move kids if necessary to even out the groups or if a Modified T-Baller is definitely ready for Coach Pitch full time. 
Games: Potentially 1 or 2 played against Mille Lacs - one home and one away
Sports Camp
When: Wednesdays in June
Time: 6-7 
Who: All Summer Rec Participants
June 5th - Boys and Girls Basketball in the Gym
June 12th - Football Outside and Volleyball Inside
June 19th - Juneteenth and no school activities are allowed
June 26th - Boys and Girls Track Outside
Cost: (including tshirt) $50

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